It all attitude, I tell ya, attitude!
When Ryan and Juliette were informed that their assignment as temporary special pioneers had come to an end, they felt dejected. “We took this straight to Jehovah in prayer,” Ryan says. “We knew that we had a special opportunity here to display trust in him. Many in our congregation were new in the truth, so we prayed that Jehovah would help us to set an excellent example of faith.”
7 How did Jehovah respond to their prayer? Ryan recalls: “Immediately after the prayer, the negative feelings and worries that we initially experienced disappeared. The peace of God was guarding our hearts and mental powers. We realized that we could continue to be useful to Jehovah if we maintained the right attitude.”
The way things are going it looks like many more will have a special opportunity to display trust in Jehovah as the Watchtower corporation shells out big time for all the harm they brought to children under their care in the courts.
I'm sure their trust in corporate Jehovah will really be stretched out for some to the breaking point up the road ahead. Jehovah's Witnesses active membership looks like it is getting ready to take another nose dive.
And also take a tip from Ryan, prayer can help calm your nerves temporarily,(but no guarantees for lasting relief from jittery nerves is temporary, unless you want to pray every time you get to feeling a little queasy about the whole thing and see how long you will be able to get relief, eventually you got to face the truth that you have been royally screwed by this bunch delusional but sniffing assholes.